
Total Mood Killer (Tiger Bee Press, 2017)

Total Mood Killer is a split chapbook by Niina Pollari and merritt k.

Named one of Vol. 1 Brooklyn's Favorite Poetry Books of 2017. 

74 pages, perfect-bound softcover.


Dead Horse (Birds, LLC, 2015)

Dead Horse is Niina Pollari’s debut poetry collection.

“Moving through the daily deaths of the earth, the questions of what to hold together and what to let, Niina Pollari writes from a place where emotion meets bone, exploring what it means to be a blood container. You will see your own skull. - Melissa Broder

83 pages, perfect-bound softcover.




The Warmth of the Taxidermied Animal (Action Books, 2013) (as translator)

Brainy, rambunctious, gross and sad, the poems of Tytti Heikkinen’s debut English collection make clear why this young poet has become a major force in contemporary Finnish poetry. By turns lyric, limpid, lightly encrusted and slightly mad, these poems knit together the language of “where we are now” until it reads like where we’ve never been and where we are always sentenced to be.